
Posts Tagged ‘Minty Grape Pops’

Odd Pop, Jim’s homemade mint-grape popsicle (recipe from
Self magazine), photo © 2008 by ybonesy. All rights reserved.



Minty Grape Pops

Adapted from the August 2008 issue of Self magazine. The original recipe is attributed to Jennifer Iserloh, founder of Skinny Chef Culinary Services in New York City.

1/2 cup fresh or bottled lime juice (Jim used a mix of lemon and lime)
1/4 cup honey
4 cups red (or black) grapes, halved
1/4 cup (or more, for the halitosis-afflicted) packed fresh mint

Whisk juice and honey until the honey dissolves. Add two cups cold water. Place grapes and mint into molds, then cover with liquid. Add sticks and freeze for six hours or overnight. (Perfect for first dates and pre-make-out sessions.)

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