
Archive for December 11th, 2007

Cranes in Cornfield, cell phone photo ©
2007 by ybonesy. All rights reserved.

Actually, I saw a crane yesterday
from seat 9F (window, over the wing)
of my US Airways flight into San Jose,

I wondered if it was
the same crane
I saw last time I was in San Jose.

Last night I was at a restaurant
Pappizani or something Italian,
work colleagues.
Talk turned to family and before you know it
everyone whipped out their cell phones
and passed around pictures of their kids.

I’m not a photographer
But I am a talker

That’s how I got the shot of the cranes in a cornfield
one morning last week
on my way to work
stopping at the library to drop off an overdue book.
Otherworldly gutteral cooing of long-throated cranes
in the field next door
hundreds of cranes

Agh, where is my camera when I need it?

Cell phone camera shots can be art.
I’m not saying mine are.
Thou art art

Off with me now.
I’m in San Jose
Just popped in to say Hey.

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